tisdag 29 juli 2014

For the games.

Thanks to a colleague, I joined a role playing group down at the Student Union of Queens University called Dragonslayers. The amount of wacky shit that went down there, and the ridiculously poor jokes that went on there, made it all absolutely amazing. So here's to Stephen, the creator of the best story I've taken part in. Here's to Hugh, who got me into it, and so often directed the path of the game, regardless of if he was the Dungeon Master or not. Here's to Alex, the most hilarious and epic munchkin I've encountered. Here's to Rory, a generally cool guy who got stabbed repeatedly for being the only sensible person at the table. Here's to Ting and Samuel, who both made any game world they touched erupt into chaos. Here's to Dianne, who brought a fresh perspective and a much needed second sensible mindset to the games. Here's to Zorgash the destructior, who has earned this badass title through both role and roll playing. Here's to Michael – I don't think I've ever laughed as much in any game, until you showed up. Here's to Simon, the cleverest and most resourceful bastard I've had the honour of sharing dice with. Here's to you guys, who make me proud to call myself a tabletop gamer.

tisdag 22 juli 2014


And so I return. I cannot believe that time passed so quickly. Suddenly I'm back, poised to return to my studies. It feels strange. Sitting there, in a taxi, on a bus, in a plane, on a train, looking out on the world.

I don't think I've ever reflected over the sound a train makes, just by moving, before. To me it's the beginning and end of a journey. I sat there, thinking about... Well, everything. The lush, intense green landscape of the island I'd just left behind made the wide golden fields of my homeland seem as bleak as the desert surrounding the Dead Sea had seemed when I gazed out over it all. I didn't think about all of this on my way there. It was a rush, and I got there the night before I started working in Belfast. No time for reflection then, and 2 weeks later, I was at home there. I keep doing this. I toss myself into unknown waters, knowing no one ahead of time, adapting as it happens. It's worked wonderfully so far, but only because I know I've got a place to fall back on if I need it. Thank you, everyone that has made this possible - both new people, that I've encountered and shared a piece of my life with, and the ones that were already there for me.

With every step I take, I make more of the world Home. And I'm fuckin' glad I have you all. I know that few are more than a message away, but life is still full of bitter farewells. I'm glad, in a way, since this means that you're worth missing. So here's to you, people of the isle. I'll be back for more.

söndag 2 mars 2014

Land of Glass and Change.

Belfast is the city in the UK with the lowest crime rate, and yet this is the place I see broken glass the most. Windows, bottles, glasses, what have you. Land of glass, definitely. Land of change as well - I have changed a lot, and I keep finding pennies all over the place. I'm used to Swedish coins, very simple - 1, 5, 10 kr. Here we have 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 p, and 1 and 2 pounds, and I rarely use 10 p or below. But enough about that. I just needed a decent title and explanation. So what have I been doing for the last 2 months?
 Bird watching.
 Oh, and my sister came over for a visit. This about sums it up. Her tattoo and me with a pen.
 I met CHRIS HADFIELD, previous commander of the International Space Station. An awesome Canadian astronaut. I waited in line for over an hour to get his autograph, and he risked missing his flight to stay and sign more. When I got to him he said "Sorry about the wait", and I am too starstruck to do more than grin like an idiot.
And I got something from an awesome friend of mine. A German who used to work with me sent me a box containing... Apparently almost nothing. Maybe a pack of skittles.
Surprisingly enough, it DID contain things. A book, a companion rat (until I come back to Sweden to the real rats), a YOU'RE AWESOME card, a pencil case, and some other things. Thank you Zera - you're awesome too!
 A regular brunch with Brie and toast. Omnomnom.
And me looking stylish in a proper blazer. I have shoulders now! :D Thank you Ferruccio.

So, what more has happened? The regular gaming, a few coworkers have left, and a few have arrived. It has turned to spring, and there's this energy in the air. I have a friend that will be visiting in April, and will see the Lego movie this week.
And I finally got my christmas present from my sister. Last week. A mana bar, perfect for nerds like me. :D

PS Lisa is awesome.

måndag 16 december 2013

"I forgot how to breathe."

It's been a while since the last update. This is a bad habit of mine. But since last time, I've tried starting a poi class. So far, I've got 3 people with me, which is excellent. I just need to find a good place until it's warm enough to be outside again. Vivian, having a humor my little brothers would find childish, did what anyone would do - compared her sock poi with elephant testicles. Her boyfriend was uncomfortable, for some strange reason.

Lisa has apparently at one point forgotten how to breathe, just by thinking about how to do so. She just keeps getting better. We had a great night out this weekend, I was surrounded by photographers, models and just all round nice people all night. It was excellent, until I had to basically carry Lisa to bed. Lisa may or may not have drank soy sauce from the bottle. This was about as awesome as partying with Vivian, the girl I'm poi-ing with. She's leaving soon, and a going away party at a metal bar... Ow my neck. Still an awesome night.

A while ago I was at Slayers24, which is the local nerd event. We were up to 100 people, staying up and gaming for 24 hours straight. My sleep has not been the best these last weekends, but it has been fun. Cards Against Humanity is highly recommended in the wee hours of the morning you just laugh for 5 minutes about anything. Or Diplomacy, which is incredibly interesting in that it is the first boardgame I've played with no chance involved, only player interraction.

What else? Work has been interesting. People with long-to-solve problems seem to come to me whenever I'm supposed to quit, so I've had a lot of overtime worked lately. Still, it's not been that bad. I keep getting good reports. There are problems, though. Recently, a bomb was found in Victoria's Square, thankfully it never went off, but of course it's a bit weird. Not something you get used to.

Today, it's been cold, but still no snow, while it's been snowing in Egypt. Stephanie made chili, omnomnom. One of my friend, Ting from my gaming sessions, has had a recital, singing, good music, it was all very nice. So for the most part good times being had by all. I've started playing Pokémon again for the first time in years. Nostalgia. <3

söndag 24 november 2013

"Why'd you buy-" "It's a spaceship"

So it has been a while since I blogged. What has happened? Lisa bought a tea infuser shaped like a spaceship. It's awesome. A friend, the Game Master I play Dungeons and Dragons with, recently got married, so I'm very happy for them. Hugh and Ting, or however you spell her name - not very good at Mandarin. My coworkers had a party the previous weekend, where some young local men decided to invite themselves in. No one got seriously hurt, but they smashed the door and all but two windows before picking fights. No one was able to really help them, and the landlord was unreasonable, expecting rent until the end of the contract despite it now being unihabitable. Robert, my newest Swedish colleague, has left the company already and gone back to Sweden after all this, which is understandable. Tommy and Bastian, the norwegians, might be off as well. Might be I have to take norwegian calls from now on since that line could be left empty.

On a brighter note; my probation period ended this week, and I am officially a full time employee! I am also in the top 3 of my team, which means I might earn a bonus at the end of the month. And we have a new housemate, Stephanie who's moving in this week. She has apparently been here already, several times, but I have yet to meet her. Despite this, she already owes me money. My other housemate Lisa is currently in Portugal on a five star all expenses paid resort. Sure, I'm not freezing my ass off or anything, but Portugal VS Norn Iron weather wise... Portugal wins.

So plenty has happened, but a lot of it can be summed up in just a few sentences. Tomorrow a few coworkers and me are going to a café after work. It's been a while, so it's nice to hang out with them again now. But for now, I'm back to watching Attack on Titan, an extremely well made anime that is far too addictive to be good for me.

lördag 9 november 2013

"No, we are not putting cats on the swastika!"

Like the title suggests, things have been interesting around here.
Jolly good weather lately, it has been cold some days, but not bad, still. It's been a while since I posted, so some of these are a bit old though.

 Like this - Halloween, party to the max! One of my colleagues wore this as well, and apparently got 8 phone numbers in 2 hours or so. The man is impressive.

Apart from the swastika on our back door, everything is just wonderf-
I could handle the swastika, but this? Nope.

What else has happened, other than halloween? My mom visited, we rented a cara and drove of into the great unknown that is northern Northern Ireland.
 First a picture from my old bedroom window, though. My mom is quite the shutterbug.

The Carrick-a-rede rope bridge, which is supposed to be able to handle several tonnes, but felt pretty fucking unstable for a second. Blasted winds. At least I survived though.

The view from the Great Causeway, the largest part of Giant's Causeway. It's pretty cool there, and if requested, more pictures will follow.

 We also visited Musseden Temple, which had some pretty bomb views as well.
My dear mother, when we visited the Dark Hedges, a pretty beautiful piece of... Well, it's trees by a road, that's all. But it looks pretty cool. And just like Musseden Temple, it's been in Game of Thrones.

In other news, my bike has been fixed again, and my roleplaying society has gotten sillier. A pacifist running around with two swords, a piece of metal, supposedly holding a human inside it, a wizard who only knows one terrifying spell (you get a cookie if you get the reference), and a man who heals people by touching them inapproporiately. Well, it seems like the healing is an unintended side effect, but useful none the less.

And that's pretty much it. Work isn't very intere- oh wait it is. People have been assuming I'm dating someone there, someone I hadn't spoken to in 2 weeks. This spiralled into a 10 minute discussion about orgies, stalking and whether or not I sleep with a tie on. While I work it's all good, it's just the breaks that worry me...

lördag 26 oktober 2013

Shower before going to work is optional.

Shower WHILE going to work is mandatory, though. That lovely Belfast weather early in the morning really makes you smile. I looked like a wet dog. Ah well, at least I got to work on time. It's been stressful lately, having to get my bike to the repair shop AGAIN, and just generally cleaning and fixing my room up. And finishing my training. My work as a fully trained Logitech agent starts monday. Thursday's Halloween, and I have my costume ready for then, will look good. Then friday, my mom's coming over. Renting a car, travelling around Norn Iron, seeing Giant's Causeway, a few parts from Game of Thrones, a dozen other places and then a tour of haunted places, and the Titanic museum. And probably some whiskey as well. We'll see what else we can have time for.

What else has happened? Not a lot, actually. Just the general, boring antics of everyday life. Tommi was really interesting in class, never got along with the trainer, James, really. Or the cafeteria staff. Or the other finnish people. And is so honest he's pretty rude as well. But he has a sense of humor. Same goes for everyone, of course, but a few are noticeable. I get along well with Zera, Ana... Well, everyone actually. Multiculturality, we're all here for the same reason in the same position. It all works out great.

This week has also had its share of interesting quotes. 
"And you don't have to take a picture of your butt for me." "Too bad, I already did."
"It seems that to the south there is an entire nation of humans disguised as small reptiles. They don't appear to be hostile." "WHAT. NOT HOSTILE?"
"My sister's present will be arriving in a week." "But what will I get?" "My penis." "Same as her then?"
"I'll do it today, 100 % sure. Definitely. Or maybe tomorrow." "I might have to buy a whip."
And someone trying to tell me they're sober 3 times without succeeding.

Pretty standard, no big problems, but no massive good things either, that I can think of. Just life as usual. Carry on and lose the game!